Friday, October 14, 2011

Improve Your Balance Sheet

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Looking for a way to restructure your business's debt? Does your business need a way to increase cash flow, avoid unnecessary fees, lower stress all while improving your balance sheet? Do you need assistance with your debt so that you can continue to grow your business? 

ACT (American Corporate Turnaround) is a company that will help your business grow and help lower your debt.  ACT will be professional and personal to ensure that your business can be productive while lowering your debt and keeping positive relationships with current suppliers and creditors. ACT offers services that will allow you to run your business and add capital all while reducing your debt. ACT is a debt restructuring company that will work with your creditors to help lower your debt as well as improving the financial stability of your business.

ACT will negotiate with your creditors to devise a plan, taking into account current income, crucial expenses as well as worst case scenarios, to create an affordable budget. ACT is a positive way to show your creditors that you are serious about eliminating your debt and growing your business. If your business is struggling and you need a way to improve your balance sheet, ACT is your answer. ACT will work with you to improve your business and ultimately helping you avoid legal fees or bankruptcy. ACT's simple process consists of an uncomplicated application along with a success based fee. ACT is the answer for your debt restructuring needs.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Business Debt Recovery

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It is no secret most small businesses become successful by identifying an unserved market, often of narrow focus, and supplying the need well. The attitude of many entrepreneurs, that they can and will learn to handle any aspect of the business, often serves them well in the beginning but can later become a limitation. It has been said there are two types of people in business, big idea types, and the accountant types who are good at following up daily details. A big idea type person may be fantastic at coming up with ideas for new products, product lines, and bringing these from concept to fruition but can stumble over the daily details such as managing their accounts payable. Business debt recovery firms can be valuable tools in allowing you to refocus on what you do better than anyone else, innovating, making sales, and servicing your customers instead of wasting valuable time and resources servicing business and consumer debt.

Have you ever known someone who pays every bill but always a few days late? If they could just get ahead of all the late fees perhaps they'd have enough money to pay all of them on time. Late fees and even interest charges can compound like a snowball rolling downhill until they seem to be almost insurmountable obstacles. Business debt recovery firms could help you get a handle on the situation and set those same forces back working in your favor.

Would you like to experience less stress? Would a better relationship with suppliers be useful? Perhaps you'd like to redirect the time of valuable employees, or even yourself, currently devoted to juggling creditors, back to generating new ideas and new sources of sales and income? Big idea types can utilize the services of accountant detail types to service business and consumer debt with no need for a desk, training, or medical benefits which means more time and money for what you do best. Business debt recovery services may be just the relief you're looking for. Some recovery firms offer collection services too so you can receive more of the debt customers owe you and set it to work expansively. You could restart the future of your company as early as today.