Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Are Your Taxes a Ticking Time Bomb?

Image via planetmagpie.com
It doesn’t matter how big or how small your company may be - you need to take an incredible amount of care with your taxes at all times. Every quarter. Every year. Failure to file your company’s taxes correctly can set your organization up for a potentially crippling series of unexpected legal and financial quagmires you never knew even existed. While having in-house accountants handle your finances is one way to approach the situation, it’s wiser to work with an external financial organization to make sure every line of your ledger books reads clean and clear.
There are many negative situations that can arise from your organization improperly paying its taxes, but the worst of these is your organization getting behind in its taxes. When your organization owes the government a large amount in taxes, that debt will work just be about the same as every other form of debt, and it can be just as potentially crippling as debt you owe to suppliers, contractors, advertisers, or anyone else your organization does business with. In fact, we’ve even found that organizations suffering under a significant amount of tax debt tend to be even more confused and apprehensive about how to handle this burden than debts to private institutions.
That’s why we specialize in helping companies like yours handle corporate taxes and the ramifications of your company accruing a significant amount of back taxes. If your company finds itself in this unfortunate position then you have a few options at your disposal, all of which involve negotiating with tax collectors to reach a mutually favorable agreement. When negotiating with the government you can establish a compromise settlement, you can agree to a certain size and frequency of installments, and you can even negotiate on non-collectibles.
The right solution for your company depends a lot on its current financial situation and future plans. We’re happy to speak with you about which option will best suit your needs and the ideal way to proceed with this potentially confusing and intimidating arena of corporate debt.

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