Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How to Manage Your Debt More Effectively

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles / freedigitalphotos.net
As the economy continues to change, experiencing ups and downs constantly, it is important to stay ahead of your company’s debt so that it doesn’t end up harming you down the line.  Managing debt is the single most important aspect for a company to stay in business because without proper debt management, there will be no company for long. 
One of the best ways to properly manage your debt effectively is to review your interest rates on your loans.  If your current loan interest rate is significantly higher than a typical loan for your business size and credit rating and history, consider refinancing it to lower your monthly payments and possibly even lowering your interest rate.  It is extremely important that your credit history is solid for this to work.  By having a solid credit history, you are going to be more likely to see a fair interest rate because it shows that you and your company are great at handling your finances.
Next, take a look around at your company.  Is there any waste?  Is there equipment or a whole area in our building that we are not using?  One good way to manage debt is to sell or rent out things that the company doesn’t need or use.  If you have a machine sitting around catching dust, consider selling it to help pay off some of the company’s debt.  If you have a whole second floor in your building that you are not using, consider renting it out to bring in more money for the company.
Managing debt smartly and effectively is the name of the business game.  If you are unable to handle your finances properly and make payments on time, you will not have a business for long.  Be smart with your money and pay off liabilities as soon as possible.  You will be glad you did.

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