Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Creative Ways To Finance Your Small Business

Image courtesy of digitalart / freedigitalphotos.net
 Getting a small business loan can be difficult in the current economy.  Although banks are still willing to lend money to get businesses started, if your business venture does not the lender’s typical business model and your business is deemed high risk, you may have trouble obtaining a loan.  Fortunately, there are other options to consider besides traditional bank loans to get the startup funds and equipment that you need.
Equipment Leasing is one way to get the equipment that you need without investing a significant amount of money initially.  You pay for your equipment in monthly installments rather than paying for the equipment in full upfront.  There are also tax incentives for leasing your equipment.  
Factoring is an option for getting cash.  If your business will produce invoices upon delivery of services or goods, then you may qualify for factoring.  Essentially, your invoices will be sold for cash so that you have the money before the services or goods are delivered.  The cash is yours, and you won’t be making payments to anyone, as factoring does not involve the lending of money. 
Peer to peer loans are another option for getting some of the startup cash that you need to get your small business up and running.  This program is available through online sites, and you can get up to $25,000.  With this type of lending, a group of your peers will lend you small amounts; with the small amounts that are loaned by each peer, the risk is minimal for the lenders.  With enough peers, you can get a considerable amount of cash that can be paid back in small amounts.  
Crowd funding is another option for financing your small business.  Unlike a loan, this system works by bartering.  There are multiple sites online that offer crowd funding, and you can propose your business on the site.  Interested parties will offer you cash in exchange for whatever you can offer them, such as finished goods or your services. 

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