Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Collection Calls Can Be Made Easier With These Tips

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic / freedigitalphotos.net
Making calls to your accounts receivables can be difficult, time consuming and stressful.  You don’t want to leave that money out there when it could be doing things for your business.
Make Sure You’re Prepared
Get paper, pens and all the numbers and client information you need in one spot.  If you have all your information directly at your fingertips those phone calls will be significantly easier to make.  You won’t be fumbling for numbers or other information because you’ll have it at hand.
First Call
If it’s that initial call, be warm and friendly but stay professional.  With your details handy you’ll be able to answer any questions that pop up.  Make sure to ask questions as to why the payment is delayed as well as get information on when they think they’ll be able to make a payment.
Get Composed Ahead Of The Time
Another great way to make calls on accounts in receivables really count is to be fully composed.  A great tool for making this happen is to create note cards with phrases you’ll be utilizing and things you’ll say.  In addition to this, have a few sentences memorized or noted that you will use for most phone calls.
Avoid Certain Times Of Day
No one wants to be interrupted while they are eating, especially regarding a debt.  Pay attention to the clock and set the phone call up to go very well.
Get Ready For The Excuses
You’re going to want to be prepared to deal with the wide variety of excuses you’ll hear; some legitimate and others not.  Have ideas ready to combat them so you can move forward with a plan to pay off the debt.
Nail It Down
As you discuss what is owed make sure to emphasis when the next payment needs to be made.  Pin this down with a date and repeat it so that it’s remembered. 
Business debt recovery is not always a simple process, collection tactics will vary depending on the debtor. Sometimes debtors will respond to a demand letter, other times it may take a phone call. The bottom line is you get the money you deserve. Call American Corporate Turnaround at 1-800-754-1541 to discuss your situation.

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